Acts 8 commentary easy english.

1. What wonderful success Philip had in his preaching, and what reception he met with. (1.) The place he chose was the city of Samaria, the head city of Samaria, the metropolis of that country, which stood where the city of Samaria had formerly stood, of the building of which we read, 1 Ki. 16:24, now called Sebaste.

Acts 8 commentary easy english. Things To Know About Acts 8 commentary easy english.

Intro duction. This chapter has the continuation of the second missionary tour, relating the revisiting of Lystra and Derbe (Acts 16:1-5), the Macedonian call (Acts 16:6-10), the conversion of Lydia and others in Philippi (Acts 16:11-15), the healing of the demoniac girl (Acts 16:16-18), beating and imprisonment of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:19-24), earthquake and conversion of the jailer (Acts ...Acts 1. The inspired historian begins his narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, I. With a reference to, and a brief recapitulation of, his gospel, or history of the life of Christ, inscribing this, as he had done that, to his friend Theophilus, ver 1, 2. II. With a summary of the proofs of Christ's resurrection, his conference with his ...This is the second volume in the unified, two-part work that we know today as Luke-Acts. Both books were written by the same author, Luke, a traveling coworker to Paul (Col. 4:14).This is clear from the book's introduction, in which Luke says, "I produced my first volume (that is, the Gospel) about all the things Jesus began to do and teach" (Acts 1:1).Acts 6:1-15. 1 And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and ...It was called the Beautiful Gate. As people were going in through the gate, the man asked them for money. His friends were carrying him there when Peter and John arrived. 3 The man saw Peter and John as they were coming through the gate. So he asked them to give him some money. 4 Peter looked carefully at the man and so did John.

We can divide Isaiah's book into 5 main sections. · Chapters 1 to 5 - Isaiah describes the people that live in Judah and Jerusalem. · Chapter 6 - God makes Isaiah into a *prophet. · Chapters 7 to 40 - God's king rules God's people. · Chapters 41 to 55 - God's servant saves God's people. · Chapters 56 to 66 - God's ...

An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (LEE level B) on the Book of 2 Kings. Philip Smith. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible. In the Bible text, words in [ ] are part of the Bible text. Words in ( ) are explanations. A word list at the end explains words with a ...Acts 2:16-21 I will pour out of My Spirit. Acts 2:22-30 Miracles of Jesus. Acts 2:31-32 (A) Resurrection of Jesus. Acts 2:31-32 (B) Who Raised Jesus? Acts 2:33-37 Right Hand of God. Acts 2:38-43 Repent Meaning. Acts 2:44-47 All Things in Common. Acts 2 Bible Study Questions (Handout) ACTS 2:1 1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they ...

They wrote this first letter soon after Timothy had come back to join Paul and Silas in *Corinth (1 Thessalonians 3:6). 2 Silas and Timothy were with Paul when they wrote the letter (1 Thessalonians 1:1). Silas was only with Paul on his second main journey. So, we know that they wrote the letter during that journey.Here, at least, Paul does not get into a discussion of what happens to those who are not believers. That is because — and this is the second assurance — Paul is writing this in order to encourage his readers. "Therefore, encourage one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:18).". Anyone who uses the discussion of the "rapture ...6. And the people [multitudes] with one accord gave heed] The original words imply that crowds of the people gave their faith and consent to the new teaching. hearing and seeing the miracles which he did] Better, when they heard and saw the signs which he wrought.They heard what had been done in other places and saw what was done each under his own observation.Acts 28. Read Acts commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Study the bible online using commentary on Acts and more!...

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He knows about all the money that you give to poor people. This has pleased him. Now God is answering your prayers. 5 You must send some men to Joppa. They will find a man who is staying there. He is called Simon Peter. Your men must tell him to come here to Caesarea. 6 He is staying at the house of Simon the tanner.

- Free online Bible Study - Commentary in easy English - Day 493 Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from embers of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilici and Asia ...The book is in two parts: Chapters 1-18: the first part of Moses’ life; the *Israelites’ troubles in Egypt; the events and the *plagues that led the *Israelites to leave Egypt. Chapters 19-40: how God gave the Law to Moses; how they built the special holy tent (*Tabernacle); the rules for *worship.Acts 8. 1 Saul was standing there while the Jewish leaders killed Stephen. He agreed with what they did. Saul puts many believers in prison. On the same day that Stephen died, the group of believers who lived in Jerusalem began to have great trouble. People did bad things to them.God speaks to people by many different methods (Job 33:14). Elihu described a dream (Job 33:15) and a servant of God (Job 33:23). Sometimes God has spoken to people in a very quiet way (1 Kings 19:11-13). But God spoke to Job from a storm (Job 38:1). Before God spoke, Elihu described the storm.It was in the foresight of Jerusalem's standing in her own light that Christ beheld the city, and wept over it. 3. The judges of the court. (1.) Their general character: they were rulers, elders, and scribes, v. 5. The scribes were men of learning, who came to dispute with the apostles, and hoped to confute them.Our Library. Bible Commentaries. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) Acts Intro. Acts 1. Acts 2. Acts 3. Acts 4. Acts 5. Acts 6. Acts 7. Acts 8. …

CHAPTER 19. Acts 19:1-41 . SIGNAL SUCCESS OF PAUL AT EPHESUS. 1-3. while Apollos was at Corinth --where his ministry was so powerful that a formidable party in the Church of that city gloried in his type of preaching in preference to Paul's ( 1 Corinthians 1:12 , 3:4 ), no doubt from the marked infusion of Greek philosophic culture which ...A. Trials and wisdom. 1. (1) A Greeting from James. James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. a. James: There are several men named James mentioned in the New Testament, but reliable tradition assigns this book to the one called James the Just, the half-brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55) and the brother of Jude (Jude 1 ...Hebrews 6:1. Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, VI. (1) Therefore. —Since "for the time ye ought to be teachers," but have so perilously sunk down into the lower state of Christian knowledge and ...Second, Luke emphasizes Jesus’s teaching on one particular topic over this period of forty days—the “kingdom of God.”. This is the first of two references to the kingdom in these opening verses (also 1:6). These two references and the two references in the conclusion (28:23, 31) “frame” the Book of Acts.A. Barnabas and Saul are called and sent by the Holy Spirit. 1. ( Acts 13:1) The people at the church in Antioch. Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. a.Observe, (1.) There was an outward sensible sign, for the confirming of the faith of the disciples themselves, and for the convincing of others. Thus the prophets of old had frequently their first mission confirmed by signs, that all Israel might know them to be established prophets. (2.)

Commentary on Acts 8:1-4. (Read Acts 8:1-4) Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the knowledge of the gospel, and makes known the preciousness of Christ in every place. Where a simple desire of doing good influences the heart, it will be ...

27 This happened for two years. Felix left Paul in the prison, because he wanted to make the Jewish leaders happy. Then Porcius Festus became the ruler instead of Felix. Acts 23. Acts 25. Acts 24 - Easy English Bible (EASY) - 1 Five days after that, Ananias, the leader of the priests, went to Caesarea. Some important Jews went with him.Isaiah 51-53 - The Atoning Suffering & Victory of the Messiah. "This chapter foretells the sufferings of the Messiah, the end for which he was to die, and the advantages resulting to mankind from that illustrious event…. This chapter contains a beautiful summary of the most peculiar and distinguishing doctrines of Christianity." (Adam ... 42 Every day the apostles continued to teach people about Jesus. They spoke in people's homes and in the yard of the temple. All the time, they told people the good news that Jesus is God's Messiah. Acts 4. Acts 6. Acts 5 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 But there was a man called Ananias among the group of believers. The conversion of Paul is one of the wonders of the church. Here is, 1. The place and time of it: As he journeyed, he came near to Damascus; and there, Christ met with him. (1.) He was in the way, travelling upon his journey; not in the temple, nor in the synagogue, nor in the meeting of the Christians, but by the way.Commentary essays follow a basic structure of an introduction, followed by a comments section and wrapped up with a conclusion. Commentary essays, also called argumentative essays,...The Acts of the Apostles. —See Introduction as to the title thus given to the Book. (1) The former treatise. —Literally, word, or discourse; but the English of the text is, perhaps, a happier equivalent than either. The Greek term had been used by Xenophon (Anab. ii. 1; Cyrop.viii. 1, 2) as St. Luke uses it, of what we should call the several "Books" or portions of his Histories.A general persecution is raised against the Church, Acts 8:1.Stephen's burial, Acts 8:2.Saul greatly oppresses the followers of Christ, Acts 8:3, Acts 8:4.Philip the deacon goes to Samaria, preaches, works many miracles, converts many persons, and baptizes Simon the sorcerer, Acts 8:5-13.Peter and John are sent by the apostles to Samaria; they confirm the disciples, and by prayer and ...The whole journey occupied about three years. SENT OUT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT ( Acts 13:1-3 continued) 13:1-3 In the local church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers. There were Barnabas, and Simeon who is called Niger, and Lucius from Cyrene, and Manaen, who was brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.Romans: Bible Study and Commentary. God’s good news is for people from every nation. A Bible Study in EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Romans. Keith Simons. EasyEnglish is a system of simple English designed by Wycliffe Associates (UK). This book is now available to buy as a printed book (ISBN 979-8364318664)Commentary on Acts 17:10-15. (Read Acts 17:10-15) The Jews in Berea applied seriously to the study of the word preached unto them. They not only heard Paul preach on the sabbath, but daily searched the Scriptures, and compared what they read with the facts related to them. The doctrine of Christ does not fear inquiry; advocates for his cause ...

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Bibliographical Information. Acts 8, Clarke's Commentary, Adam Clarke's commentary is a valuable resource for Christians seeking a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. His thorough examination of the original texts and focus on historical and cultural context provide valuable insights for readers.

Jesus had said to His disciples in the first chapter, (verse Acts 8:8 ), "And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto Me, both in Jerusalem . . . " And remember that they said, "You have filled this city with this Man's doctrine." "And in Judea and in Samaria."Acts 13:1-52. 1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the ...Acts 8. King James Version. 8 And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him.35. and began at the same [this] scripture, and preached unto him Jesus] It can hardly be doubted that during his sojourn in Jerusalem the eunuch had heard the history of the new teachers who had created such an excitement in the city, and so he would have had some story told him of the founder of the new community, but his informants would have been Jews, and he would only have heard from ...Chapter 8. Saul persecutes the church. (1-4) Philip's success at Samaria. Simon the sorcerer baptized. (5-13) The hypocrisy of Simon detected. (14-25) Philip and the Ethiopian. (26-40) Verses 1-4 Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the ...Acts 8:30. . Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. (30) Understandest thou what thou readest? --The Greek play upon the word for understand ( Ginoskein) and read ( Anaginoskein) cannot well be produced in English, but is worth noting as parallel to a like play in the well-known saying of the Emperor Julian ( Anegnon; egnon; kategnon )--"I ...b. The centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: This was a happy moment for Julius the centurion, who fulfilled his duty and successfully brought all the prisoners from Caesarea (Acts 27:1) to Rome – with much help from Paul. c. The soldier who guarded him: Paul wasn’t in a normal prison.Below is a Basic Acts Timeline (Ben Witherington - The Acts of the Apostles : A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary). A.D. 30—Jesus is crucified under Pontius Pilate.Resurrection appearances, Pentecost, initial growth of the church in and around Jerusalem. A.D. 31-33—The events of Acts 3-7 transpire with mounting concern on the part of Jews and especially the Jewish authorities in Jerusalem.Video for Acts 24: Acts 24 - Righteousness, Self-Control, and the Judgment to Come. A. The accusations against Paul. 1. (1) The Jews assemble their case against Paul. Now after five days Ananias the high priest came down with the elders and a certain orator named Tertullus. These gave evidence to the governor against Paul.

Each Bible Chapter is Outlined by Biblical Topic. The Enduring Word Bible Commentary is structured by each book of the Bible. Also, each book is organized by chapter and verse. To help your study time, each chapter has the main point extracted from the text. Additionally, the main point is then organized in an easy to follow outline that flows ...So they caused much trouble for the believers. The book is in six parts: 1 The apostles took God's message about Jesus to places near Jerusalem ( Acts 1:1-8:3 ). 2 The apostles took God's message about Jesus to other places in Israel ( Acts 8:4-12:25 ). 3 Paul's first big journey, to teach people in other countries about Jesus ( Acts 13:1-15:35 ).Christian Belief and Behaviour. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. Les Painter (Bible text by Cynthia Green) This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. Words in boxes are from the Bible.Instagram:https://instagram. dr kesserwani dothan Read Acts 8 commentary using Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Study the bible online using commentary on Acts 8 and more!... harvard likely letter 2023 The T20 World Cup is one of the most anticipated events in the cricketing world. It brings together the best teams from around the globe to compete for the ultimate prize in Twenty... wordscapes level 3783 In quoting this passage in Matthew 21:15-16, Jesus told His accusers who He was and who they were. Since the babes and nursing infants praise God in Psalm 8, Jesus identified Himself as God. In this, Jesus also identified the indignant scribes and teachers as the enemy and avenger described in this psalm. iii. 202 318 3143 Acts 8:12-13. But when they believed Philip, &c. When they became spectators of Philip's miracles, and were convinced that they were real, and those of Simon a mere sham; or, when they believed the doctrine that Philip preached, concerning the kingdom of God, they then saw and felt the real power of God, and submitted thereto; and were baptized, both men and women — Thus making an open ... best survivor perks They wrote this first letter soon after Timothy had come back to join Paul and Silas in *Corinth (1 Thessalonians 3:6). 2 Silas and Timothy were with Paul when they wrote the letter (1 Thessalonians 1:1). Silas was only with Paul on his second main journey. So, we know that they wrote the letter during that journey.As a result, many more people believed in the Lord Jesus. 43 Peter stayed in Joppa for many days. He stayed with a man called Simon, who was a tanner. Acts 9 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 All this time, Saul was still speaking strongly against the disciples of the Lord Jesus. He wanted to kill all the believers. marlin 882 stock Acts 13:1-52. 1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the ... hartley funeral home obituaries lancaster sc Acts 13:1-52. 1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the ...17 When we arrived in Jerusalem, the believers there were very happy to welcome us. 18 The next day, we went with Paul to see James. The leaders of the believers were also there. 19 Paul said, ‘hello’ to them and then he told them everything about his work. God had helped him to do many good things for the Gentiles. mycarepack jail Acts 8:6. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. Acts 8:7. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. Acts 8:8. And there was great joy in that city ... morgan stanley hiring freeze Acts 1:8 EASY. But the Holy Spirit will come to you, and he will give you power. The Holy Spirit will make your spirit strong. Then you will tell other people everywhere in the world about me. You will do that in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in places far away.’Commentary on Acts 8:26-40. God who raised Jesus orchestrates unlikely relationships that the status quo does not otherwise permit for the transformation of marginalized individuals. This narrative is the second encounter between the Hellenist evangelist Philip (one of the six chosen for table ministry, including Stephen, 6:1-7) since the ... loads and loads crossword clue nyt The devil tests Jesus – Luke 4:1-4:13. v1 Jesus was full of the *Holy Spirit as he returned from the Jordan River. Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert. v2 For 40 days in the desert, the devil *tempted him. Jesus did not eat anything during those days. And at the end of those days, he was very hungry. henry ford optimeyes super vision center west bloomfield The devil tests Jesus - Luke 4:1-4:13. v1 Jesus was full of the *Holy Spirit as he returned from the Jordan River. Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert. v2 For 40 days in the desert, the devil *tempted him. Jesus did not eat anything during those days. And at the end of those days, he was very hungry.The Acts of the Apostles. —See Introduction as to the title thus given to the Book. (1) The former treatise. —Literally, word, or discourse; but the English of the text is, perhaps, a happier equivalent than either. The Greek term had been used by Xenophon (Anab. ii. 1; Cyrop.viii. 1, 2) as St. Luke uses it, of what we should call the several "Books" or portions of his Histories.In the fast-paced world of football, commentary plays a vital role in enhancing the viewer experience. One platform that stands out in providing exceptional football commentary is ...